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Hooch employs Keith Lemon to bring the brand back from 90s oblivion


By Gillian West, Social media manager

February 3, 2014 | 2 min read

Infamous 90s alco-pop Hooch is back with former ‘Business Man of the Year 1993’ Keith Lemon as the face of the brand.

Following a re-launch in 2012, Hooch marketing director Simon Green explained that the brand is now known “as the Brit Pop beverage” appealing to “a new generation with a distinctive zesty taste”.

“With such a reputation to withhold, we needed someone to take Hooch to the next level. As former Business Man of the Year 1993, Keith Lemon is obviously the perfect man for the job and we can’t wait to see what he comes up with,” he remarked.

Of his appointment, Lemon said he was “right happy and chuffed t' be the face of 'Ooch”.

He continued: “As the face of it I am hoping that me face will literally be on't bottle, on't posters and surely will be doing a fancy ad campaign that will also feature me face to ensure big sales of what can only be described as the drink of the 90s re-born to the present date featuring my face on't bottle and all the other stuff that I just said me face will be on. Word t' ya mum.”

The advertising campaign featuring Lemon is under wraps for now, but promises to get the nation talking and put Hooch on the lips of a new generation.


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