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By Adam Libonatti-Roche, Freelance creative

October 19, 2016 | 2 min read

Social media innovation is not just showing your boss that Snapchat has a new filter or feature according to Tom Ollerton, innovation director at We Are Social.

On the latest episode of #SMBuzzChat, The Drum spoke with Ollerton about what really constitutes social media innovation and how this often revolves around social behaviour rather than new social features.

Ollerton went on to mention startups like CrowdPilot, a smartphone app where other users can help you while out on a date, as an example of refining communication on social media. Should your agency be doing this? Yes, if it wants to stay ahead of an industry that is constantly innovating, he said.

The chat also covered the possibilities of social media in a virtual reality space, including how brands could go on to use this technique in future marketing strategies. It’s all very exciting when you consider that VR is no longer a technology of the future but a technology of now.

Make sure to follow Ollerton on Twitter if you are interested in his work and creative process.

If watching the show is not your cup of tea, then you can subscribe to the podcast on iTunes, Pocket Casts or listen directly on Soundcloud below.

The series accompanies The Drum’s weekly Social Buzz chat, which takes place on Tuesdays between 7-8pm GMT. You can follow and contribute on Twitter using the hashtag #SMBuzzChat.

The Drum's Social Buzz Awards take place Wednesday 30 November, you can find out more on the website.

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Other episodes in the series

Episode 1

Social Buzz Chat special: Gary Vaynerchuk talks community, authenticity, VR and Snapchat

This week we bring you a very special edition of The Drum's Social Buzz Show, featuring entrepreneur and social media gunslinger Gary Vaynerchuk.

Episode 2

Social Buzz Chat: Aria Alagha on how musicians can use Facebook to get themselves noticed

Sitting down on the Social Buzz sofa this week is Aria Alagha, a social media strategist who's worked on LeeFest and with clients like Gabriella Cilmi.

Episode 3

Social Buzz Chat: U-Dox's Ben Anderson on why quality content is more important than timeliness

What's more important on social – getting posts up quickly or producing high quality content? U-Dox's social media manager Ben Anderson joins The Drum's head of social Adam Libonatti-Roche to discuss this very topic on the most recent episode of our Social Buzz Chat.

Episode 4

Social Buzz Show: Zone's Gina Roughan talks social purpose, Dove's 'Real Beauty' ads and building trust

Another week, another chat about all things social on The Drum's Social Buzz Show.

Episode 5

Social Buzz Show: Cass Gowing of AllSaints talks micro-influencers

What is a micro-influencer, and where did the term come from? Cass Gowing of AllSaints is the latest guest on The Drum's Social Buzz sofa as she sits down to discuss these questions.

Episode 6

Social Buzz Show: SEENConnects MD Sedge Beswick on social talent and how brands can nurture it

Sitting down on the Social Buzz sofa this week is SEENConnects managing director, Sedge Beswick, formerly of Asos.

Episode 7

Social Buzz Show: Link Humans' Laurence Hebberd reveals how to reinvigorate your personal brand, and why it matters

Laurence Hebberd (@LaurenceHebberd) senior account manager at Link Humans and head of events for online community #SMLondon pulled up a seat on this week's Social Buzz show to chat.

Episode 8

Social Buzz Show: Jellyfish's Hannah Rainford gives the lowdown on social media listening

Social media listening is big business, so on this week's Social Buzz Show we asked Hannah Rainford, associate director of social media at Jellyfish, to talk us through why brands are investing serious money and resource into the function.

Episode 9

#SMBuzzchat | We Make Awesome Sh's: Syd Lawrence on how brands should be using chatbots

An army of Chatbots have found their way on to Facebook Messenger, Line and more this year, but what is the best way for brands to use them?

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