The Drum Awards Festival - Official Deadline

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By John Glenday, Reporter

November 29, 2017 | 2 min read

Alzheimer’s Research UK has dusted down its seasonal campaign from last year with Santa Forgot, a Christmas repeat of its poignant animation narrated by Stephen Fry.

Fry lent his voice to the original film last year and has returned to the fray this year having written a blog for the charity and starred in a YouTube teaser trailer for the piece, calling on the public to help raise awareness of the disease and the importance of finding a cure.

Produced by Aardman Animations, the campaign depicts a lost Santa who is unable to deliver presents having succumbed to dementia but concludes by raising hopes of an eventual treatment through further research.

Fry said: “In the year since Santa Forgot first launched, another 200,000 people in the UK have developed dementia and they’re surrounded by families who may be struggling to cope this Christmas. I visited the mother of a friend who was in the very severe grips of dementia and it’s one of the most pernicious and unacceptable things to happen to a person. We’ve seen in history that dementia is no respecter of persons and Santa Forgot shows that not even Santa can be immune to its devastating effect.”

Dementia has now become the leading cause of death in the UK for the first time, having overtaken heart disease earlier this month.

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