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Voice Recognition Advertising Super Bowl

Amazon takes steps to stop its Super Bowl ad driving Alexa loopy


By John McCarthy, Opinion Editor

February 4, 2018 | 2 min read

Amazon's Super Bowl spot for the Amazon Echo sounds off the word Alexa 10 times, a quirk which could set off the public's devices at home.


Bezos at the Super Bowl

However, the retail giant has prepared for this now, with South Park and Burger King in the past intentionally setting off voice interface devices.

Amazon has said it has used acoustic fingerprinting to ensure that the 90 second ad does not set off the devices.

Company chief executive Jeff Bezos appears in the ad, apparently improvising a solution when the personal assistant loses its voice.

Engadget reports that the company uses a command filtering system that it recently patented.

It can identify and ignore the ad. Furthermore, in instances where multiple devices across the network are set off by the same prompt, Amazon blocks it under the assumption it is another intrusive ad.

Voice Recognition Advertising Super Bowl

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