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Truth campaign says the only bad butts are the ones at the ends of cigarettes


By Kyle O'Brien, Creative Works Editor

April 23, 2018 | 3 min read

The catchiest song about butts since Sir Mix-a-Lot told people his fondness for derrieres is attached to a new anti-smoking campaign from Truth.

Better Butts campaign

Better Butts rap says cigarette butts are the worst

The new Earth Month-inspired creative from the non-profit anti-smoking initiative and 72andSunny Los Angeles is titled ‘Better Butts.’ In it, an animated butt with sunglasses (in underwear) asks a smaller butt what’s wrong. The ‘little butt’ says it feels small and lumpy and wants to be “big and bootiful” instead. The bigger one then says that being different is “an asset” (pun completely intended).

The big butt then goes on to explain, in an original rap from the film by Antfood, that all butts are great, from big to small, round to flat, old to baby, steel buns to squishy tushies. At the end, the small butt asks if all butts are awesome, to which the earth, shaped appropriately like a round butt, says, “Hell no! Have you seen cigarette butts? These (bleeped expletives) are toxic!”

The conclusion is that all butts are better than cigarette butts – which a graphic says are the most littered item in the world.

The campaign calls out the impact that cigarette butts are having on our planet: toxic waste that leaches harmful chemicals into the environment. Plus, they don't break down once tossed, which means they stay wherever they land for a long time.

The animation, by James Curran, and the original rap showcase the fact that the world is full of great butts, but cigarette butts are not one of them.

Truth: advert-top-1 by 72andSunny Los Angeles

By Truth

Overall Rating 4/5

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