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West Ham United Everton FC

West Ham fans expected to find out results on new crest poll next week

By Angela Haggerty, Reporter

July 13, 2014 | 2 min read

West Ham fans are expected to find out the results of a poll on new club crest designs next week.

Fans had until Friday night to vote on the new designs, which remove the castle linked to home stadium Boleyn Ground ahead of a move to the Olympic stadium in 2016/17. The new design will take effect from then.

Some fans have criticised the removal of the castle, but West Ham said the new design, which also adds the word ‘London’ to the bottom of the crest, is “bolder, cleaner and more vibrant”. The revamp is the first for the club crest since 1999.

The poll on variations of the design was conducted by YouGov and results are expected next week. The club said it will not proceed with the proposal if it does not get fans’ backing.

The redesign follows the unveiling earlier this month of Everton’s new club crest, which will be officially introduced in the coming 2014/15 season. The crest was one of three option presented to supporters in a public vote last October and received 78 per cent backing.

West Ham United Everton FC

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