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Technology Social Media Marketing

Article Group asks Twittersphere for an artistic favor and gets plenty of Photoshopped returns


By Kyle O'Brien, Creative Works Editor

March 8, 2019 | 3 min read

Mother London and R/GA have been winning at Twitter for some time, but another agency is giving the two a run for their respective monies, at least with its latest stunt, which has created a good bit of buzz.

AirPods art

AirPods Photoshop competition from Article Group

The Article Group, a New York-based creative agency with offices in San Francisco and Rochester, created a Twitter moment. The agency simply asked followers: “can someone start photoshopping air pods into famous works of art? that's my design challenge for you all.”

Article Group tweet challenge

Instead of a trickle, the thread produced some very creative and funny posts from people around the world.

Some of the AirPods were added to famous works by Van Gogh, Vermeer and Munch, while others went a bit more obscure. Most hit the mark and gave viewers a good giggle. All of the efforts weren’t just for fun, however, as the agency made it into a contest.

Article Group twitter

After reviewing the Photoshopped efforts, Article Group selected three winners and two honorable mentions, with trophies going to the winners.

Frida Kahlo AirPods
Frida Kahlo AirPods winner

The agency then upped the ante and announced that it would donate $500 in the winners’ names to The Brooklyn Arts Council, which supports arts education in one of the founders' hometown.

Check out the winners and some of the other efforts below.

Second place went to an effort that found AirPods on ancient beasts from the Chauvet Cave paintings.

Chauvet Cave

Third place placed pods on Obama.

Obama AirPods

Honorable mentions went to two efforts, including another Kahlo.

AirPods honorable mention
Frida Kahlo honorable mention

This one is just plain funny.

Jesus fresco
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Article Group

A delightful creative marketing agency // your twitter hosts are @PAYOLETTER and @stevebryant // we think you're pretty

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