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Brexit Advertising UK Government

British Government’s £100m Brexit advertising campaign revealed


By Stephen Lepitak, -

September 1, 2019 | 2 min read

The British Government has revealed its ‘Get ready for Brexit’ campaign, costing £100m that is set to run across the UK in preparation for the nation departing the EU.

British Government’s £100m Brexit advertising campaign revealed

British Government’s £100m Brexit advertising campaign revealed

Ahead of 31 October when Britain is expected to depart the EU, the campaign will aim to prepare the public and business owners for whatever agreement is, or isn’t, made between the British Government and European leaders.

Activity will run across outdoor, television, social media and other platforms and will aim to drive citizens to visit the Government website for more information.

The website will host a checker tool that will allow users to identify what they must do to prepare for Brexit, including how to videos and step-by-step guides.

The campaign was developed by Engine Group which was appointed last month following Boris Johnson’s victory in the Conservative leadership vote to become the Prime Minister.

Brexit Advertising UK Government

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