The Drum Awards Festival - Extended Deadline

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Adam&EveDDB Advertising Samsung

Ryan Reynolds puts an 'ad for his gin within an ad for his movie within an ad for Samsung'


By John McCarthy, Opinion editor

November 22, 2019 | 3 min read

Actor and adman Ryan Reynolds has delivered a spot so heavily saturated with brands that you'd have to wonder just who else could pull it off.

Ryan Reynolds puts an 'ad for his gin within an ad for his movie within an ad for Samsung'

“You bought an ad for your gin within an ad for your movie within an ad for Samsung?” asked an exasperated director.

Samsung’s QLED TV ought to be the focus of the spot but almost immediately it is interrupted with an ad for Reynold’s new Netflix flick ‘6 Underground’ before his Aviation Gin is cynically crammed in too. “I bought mid-roll ad placement,” he confessed.

It is named QLED + 6 Underground + Ryan Reynolds. You'd be forgiven for adding a '+ Aviator Gin' in the title too.

Reynolds plays a demanding celeb and is intent on twisting the Samsung spot for his own commercial gain. Because of the execution and Reynold's meta-humour the spot excels.

Adam&EveDDB is likely to garner more awareness of the TV with the irreverent spot - the product is the focus of the ad for its full duration. We should get used to this brand ambassador reinventing the celeb endorsement and perhaps the three-in-one ad isn’t a terrible idea either.

In his role as the face and owner of Aviation Gin, Ryan Reynolds has shot some hilariously weird ads.

In his most recent spot, we saw him milk the best from truly awful slogans. It ranged from the strange (“an illusory and fleeting sense of well-being”) to silly (“it’s just vodka, after its wish was granted”, “tastes like God cried in your mouth”) to hilariously profane (“it’ll get you f#*ked”, “if you’re drinking anything else, you’re drinking bullshit”).

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Samsung: QLED + 6 Underground + Ryan Reynolds by Adam&EveDDB

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