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Creative Environment Creative Works

5 of the most-awarded environmental campaigns of 2021


By Ellen Ormesher, Senior Reporter

February 7, 2022 | 5 min read

The Drum’s World Creative Rankings, in partnership with Twitch, is a one-of-a-kind list celebrating the most-awarded campaigns, brands, agencies and individuals that have pushed creative boundaries in the last 12 months.

The 2030 calculator

Doconomy: The 2030 Calculator by Farm Stockholm

Here, we take a look at five of the most-awarded environmental campaigns from 2021 – a landmark year for the climate emergency, with the UN’s Cop26 in Glasgow triggering global conversations around the crisis.

WWF: Eurythenes Plasticus by BBDO Berlin

The ocean plastic problem goes far deeper than anything previously imagined. The problem is so bad that new deep-sea species are being found already contaminated by plastic.

To make an environmental statement against ocean plastic, the WWF and BBDO Berlin named a new deep-sea species after the plastic found in its body: ’Eurythenes Plasticus’. They then launched a multi-channel campaign asking for a legally binding global UN agreement to end the plastic flood into our oceans.

Doconomy: The 2030 Calculator by Farm Stockholm

The 2030 Calculator Short Intro from Doconomy / DO on Vimeo.

’The 2030 Calculator’ is the first tool that allows brands to quickly and easily quantify the carbon footprint of the products they manufacture, using a common universal scoring system.

Making these calculations had previously been a costly effort only open to bigger brands. ’The 2030 Calculator’ levels the playing field by giving small, local challenger brands a shared tool for creating awareness and transparency.

Edina Energy: Waterlight by Wunderman Thompson Bogota

Electricity provides economic opportunity and quality of life. Without it, fishermen can’t fish at night, kids must do their homework by candlelight, mobile phones can’t be charged.

Wunderman Thompson Colombia and renewable energy startup Edina collaborated on ’Waterlight’, a revolutionary device that can transform half a liter of saltwater into an incredible 45 days of light.

Edina and Wunderman Thompson Colombia worked with the Wayúu people, whose access to electricity is limited but who are surrounded by the most powerful battery in the world – the sea. With ’Waterlight’, the Wayúu can transform the abundant natural resource into a safe, sustainable way to power their lives, from night fishing to charging mobile phones, without the need to travel for miles.

Central Office of Public Interest: by AMV BBDO

10,000 Londoners die prematurely every year due to toxic air. But this is an invisible killer; unseen, ignored and all the more deadly as a result. AMV BBDO and the Central Office of Public Interest made Londoners take notice by linking air pollution to something they do care about – property prices. gives everyone in London an Air Quality Report for their address, showing its health and financial costs. Shocked homeowners could then demand action at a local and national level. The service launched with a multi-channel guerrilla campaign targeting the property industry.

WWF: Your Plastic Diet by Grey

The WWF launched a campaign that uses plastic household objects to highlight the amount of plastic people are ingesting.

The campaign, created by Grey, was based on research by the WWF that found people were consuming about 2,000 small pieces of plastic every week – the equivalent to five grams a week, 21 grams a month. According to the WWF, five grams of plastic is the equivalent weight of a credit card.

A website,, was also been set up to allow people to take a test based on their individual diet and use the study findings to determine their likely personal weekly plastic intake.

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