The Drum Awards Festival - Official Deadline

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Tight Briefs

Today's Tight Brief: Advertise the World Wide Web to people who've never used it


By The Drum Team, Editorial

March 14, 2014 | 3 min read

This week marked 25 years of the World Wide Web, and what better way to celebrate the milestone than with a Tight Briefs challenge? Today we want you to advertise the World Wide Web to people who have never used it.

Although the web has changed many of our lives and transformed the way we do business, there are still billions of people who have either resisted the urge to surf or haven't yet had the means to get online. That's why Facebook has a mission to get five billion more people connected and digital entrepreneur Martha Lane Fox has campaigned to help 16 million people in Britain develop basic online skills.

So let's say you were tasked to advertise the web to an unknowing or sceptical world. How would you convince people to get online? What is the web and what's so good about it? Is it really about the silly stuff, as the Three ads say, or does it stand for more than that?

So advertise the web is your brief for this week. The rules are the same as always: you have the remainder of the day to scamp up your ideas and send your entries to by midnight tonight. The winner, as chosen in a public vote on next week, will be shortlisted in a special Tight Briefs category at this year's Chip Shop Awards.

You can submit as many entries as you like, but to ensure they all appear at the voting stage please send them as individual .jpg or image files.

Today also marks the final day to enter this year's Chip Shop Awards – the creative awards with no limits – so if you have a great idea outwith our Tight Briefs challenge be sure to submit it at

For more Tight Briefs check out our week three advertise soccer in the US winner and see all the brilliant work entered so far at

You can see the winner of our week three challenge to advertise soccer in the US here and all the brilliant work entered so far at

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