The Drum Awards Festival - Extended Deadline

-d -h -min -sec

Agency: AMV BBDO
Date: May 2020
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Daunt, the independent bookshop chain, has launched a new radio campaign to promote its online service while the lockdown continues.

The campaign, created by AMV BBDO, features extracts from literary works by Albert Camus and Daniel Defoe that highlight the uncanny similarities to the current pandemic.

The first radio ad in the series features an abridged extract from the 1947 novel, The Plague, by Albert Camus. It reads: “The plague become the affair of us all -and one of the most remarkable consequences was a sudden separation of people who were not prepared for it. Mothers, children, lovers - found themselves abruptly divided, prevented from meeting. And while some adapted to being shut in, for others, their sole idea from then on - was escape.”

The second spot features an extract from Daniel Defoe’s 1722 novel, A Journal of the Plague Year.

The ads end with the line: “Find out how our unprecedented times are not so unprecedented.”


Agency: AMV BBDO

Creative Directors: Toby Allen, Jim Hilson

Copywriters: Tim Riley, Albert Camus, Daniel Defoe

Producer: Yvonne Clayton

Engineer: Ed Downham at Wave Studios

Music: Audio Network

Account Director: Jessica Harvey

Client: Daunt Books

Managing Director: Brett Wolstencroft

Media: Lauren Port, Joe Box at PHD