The Drum Awards Festival - Extended Deadline

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Client: Nutella
Date: Jun 2017
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Could Nutella be even more unique? We think so. We think Nutella can be as special and expressive as every single one of its customers. With this objective, Nutella Unica was born - the first limited edition made by seven million different jars: dozens of patterns, thousands of color combinations, one special algorithm.

The algorithm combined dozens of patterns and colors to create millions of combinations.

Each one of the combinations was then printed on the classic Nutella label, given a unique ID code to customize it and authenticate it as a unique jar. Like a piece of art.

The seven million ‘Nutella Unica’ jars were distributed all over the country in the usual point-of-sales (supermarkets etc, reaching its intended target of families and individuals. And, the jars were sold out in one month.

The launch was accompanied by a TVC, an online video and a digital activation that alowed people to create a customized video to celebrate someone unique. Hence the name of the initiative: Nutella Unica


Chief creative officer: Paolo Iabichino, Giuseppe Mastromatteo

Client creative director: Lavinia Francia

Senior art director: Andrea Guzzetti

Additional credits: Group head of digital and business development: Michael Berger

Account director: Simone Zanelli

Project Leader: Serena Lombardo

Printing and software technology: HP