The Drum Awards Festival - Extended Deadline

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Agency: VCCP
Client: Cadbury
Date: Aug 2021
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It’s not often that chocolate is catapulted to elite status, but one of the Australians’ favourite chocolate bars, Cadbury Caramilk, has finally reached British shelves after causing a stir 'Down Under'. Such was the demand for Caramilk, that it was hoarded and even rationed by shops in Australia.

To promote the product, Mondelez and global creative agency, VCCP London devised ‘Just Ask An Aussie’. The integrated campaign heroes real life quotes from Aussies which show the Brits just how much they love Caramilk, and encourages Brits to ask an Aussie for themself to find out what the fuss is all about.

Targeted at UK millennials, the bold and disruptive integrated campaign will run for two months across DOOH, OOH, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, TikTok and YouTube. Rather than the brand peddling its own products, VCCP London handed the mic over to diehard Aussie fans who shared their seal of approval with bold claims about Caramilk such as “you’ll love it more than your cat”, “you’ll think about it while eating other chocolate”, and even “you’d give up your gran for one”.

Cadbury will also roll out a series of high impact DOOH sites, such as Waterloo Motion, that hero real tweets and playful social posts from loyal Aussie fans who have confessed their love of Caramilk to their followers, and are now tasked with the job of flying the flag in the UK.